But you can't solve it until you reach the hall C. You can take connectors outside from the tower. "Dead Man's switch", around a corner, near the front wall. "Seven doors of the recording", at the right back corner, just follow the barriers. At the hard you can take a connector inside to the open world. At the simple you can use locations of 3 puzzles. "Close and jammed", hidden area right after first barrier on the left. "Time flights", hidden area in front of the recorder. "Outbliette", behind the wall on the right. "Weathertop", at the left front corner, you can see it when you solve the puzzle. "A Ditch and a fence", at the left front corner, behind a wall. You can find a connector in the open world. You can see it easily if you explore the ruins a little bit. Open world, at ruins behind the puzzle areas, behind a barrier. Open world, at the top of the big arch structure in front of the big pyramid. You can take things outside from puzzles. In a middle of the open world, on the top of the spire. You can get one of the puzzle-connectors outside. There is a hidden source and receiver in the open world. "Right angle", hidden area near the front wall, you can see fan. You can level up a bit one of the connectors at another puzzle. In a hidden area right near of the door (to the left).

You can come in from the inside of the puzzle. "The Tomb", behind right statue, you can see a path from outside. You can shoot laser though the violet barrier. "Two Pesky Little Buzzers" Left back corner. Open world in hidden area to the left, between 2 puzzle areas. Behind a wall at hidden area at back left corner. Right front corner, where the black ball was. There is a hidden connector on the top of a column (or a tree in older version of the game), that is nearby.

You will need to know what is HEX and what is ASCII. Open space, under ground near the teleport. There is a door in the backwards direction from the teleport.

You can take a key outside from a puzzle. Behind a small wall in bushes to the right. It is in hidden area behind the fence to the right from the puzzle door. Twice to the left to L-shaped puzzle area. Forward from the teleport to another puzzle area. "Hidden area" usually means an area completely surrounded by walls/fences.Right/left/front/back are given respectively to your position when you enter a puzzle or teleport to a world."Open world" is all world excluding the puzzle areas, sometimes it is innerĪrea (surrounded by puzzles), sometimes outer area.But beĬarefull, some of this hints makes the rest of the star-puzzle You read all hints you will face a usual sigil-type puzzle. Even during the sigil puzzles you need to find a jammer, you need to find a position for connector, you need to find the sigil at the end, etc.īut anyway, in the following I give hints, which are aimed to reduce: a) process big area exploration, b) "looking for I don't know what", c) trials and errors when you trying to jump over a wall. Even more, I think this game is about exploring. Then, second, please, don't think that knowing exact locations of each star will save you from exploring, often you still need to search for instruments (jammers, cubes, etc.) to get the star and it is essentially the same task. There is 1 star in the messenger places.There are 2 stars in the main world - the one with the tower.